Thursday, December 5, 2013

Second Stories

Hi all! We have a second story! Well, technically you have to climb a ladder and through a window to get in it, but we have a second story!! The gas company made it out this week (finally) and moved the meter, so we are now ready to have concrete poured for the floor. Unfortunately it looks like it will probably be spring before the driveway gets poured. Wah waaaahhh. We've just run out of good weather. Had the gas company moved the meter a week ago, we'd be golden. No such luck. It's not overly important, it will just be a mess. And now, on to the pictures!

The chimney had to be removed  because the second story will overlap this portion of the roof. We do have a fireplace, but seven years ago during our first remodel, we had converted our traditional wood burning fireplace to one with ventless gas logs. So there was no longer a need for the chimney. Money well spent, by the way. That fireplace puts out a ton of heat! Early last March we had to replace our furnace, and that fireplace kept the house in the mid sixties for the week it took for it to be installed. That, and space heaters. It was still too cold for my kids and I to stay here, but it was ok for the husband and the dogs. ;) 

What the?! I can see where the windows will go!

The longer window opening, in the above picture, is the access area they have been using 
to get in and out.

This is the back of the garage. You can see the door opening for access in and out of the garage to the backyard. And above on the left, is a bedroom window. To the right of that, somewhere in the vicinity over that man door opening, will be a bathroom window. We had to make some amendments to how the stairs are going up. Therefore, we couldn't make a decision as to where the bathroom window was to go yet.

And a roof!!

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